ΒΗΜΑgazino: Special Issue GREEK SHIPPING, Sunday 21st of June

ΒΗΜΑgazino: Special Issue GREEK SHIPPING, Sunday 21st of June

The Special Edition of ΒΗΜΑgazino dedicated to GREEK SHIPPING was published on Sunday, 21st of June with the newspaper VIMA (Το ΒΗΜΑ της Κυριακής).

A Special Issue of 160 pages dedicated to Greek Maritime, its people and protagonists, a praise for the great accomplishments of such a small country, playing a leading role among giants in the global Maritime Business. Greece, has always been a traditionally marine country and with hard work and persistence through the years, still proudly presents one of the most important, numerous and hefty merchant fleets in the world.

Shuffle though this beautiful edition by clicking on the below links.
You may find Space Electronics on pg. 81:


Το ΒΗΜΑ, 21 June 2020